Madukara Suteramas
Selasa, 1 November 2011
Isnin, 28 Jun 2010
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Busana berjiwa muda
USIA setahun jagung melibatkan diri secara serius dalam bidang rekaan fesyen tidak bermakna Mohamed Yusuf Salleh tidak berkemampuan melahirkan idea yang memberangsangkan pada koleksi rekaannya.
Bermula dengan menjahit pakaian di rumah selama setahun dan kemudian baru setahun membuka butik sendiri, Mohamed Yusuf terus menghasilkan rekaan yang boleh dikatakan setaraf dengan pereka yang telah lama berkecimpung dalam bidang fesyen.
Menamakan butiknya sebagai Madukara Suteramas, pemilik dan pereka yang berasal dari Kuching, Sarawak ini muncul di Studio Utusan Melayu (M) Berhad dengan beberapa koleksi terbaiknya yang berkonsep khusus untuk orang muda.
Kata Mohamed Yusuf, rekaannya ini yang sesuai untuk acara kasual, koktel, hi-tea dan parti sekadar menggunakan warna-warna ringkas seperti hitam, putih, merah cili dan biru gelap.
Menurut pemegang Ijazah Perakaunan dari Universiti Malaya ini lagi, warna hitam putih menjadi pilihan warna asas bagi setiap rekaannya.
Boleh dikatakan hampir semua koleksinya pasti menggunakan warna tersebut.
''Keistimewaan rekaan baju di Madukara Suteramas terletak pada potongan. Potongan yang betul dan tepat memberikan impak pada pemakainya yang akan membuatkannya nampak cantik dan menarik.
''Bagi mempastikannya, saya sendiri yang memotong dan menjahit baju sama ada yang telah siap atau ditempah pelanggan,'' katanya yang menggunakan fabrik kapas untuk rekaan kasual atau songket, satin dan sutera satin bagi pakaian pengantin.
Tambahnya, dia bukan sahaja membuat baju pengantin Melayu malah untuk bukan Melayu juga. Pelanggan boleh membeli sama ada baju yang sudah siap atau menempah mengikut bajet mereka.
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Discovering new talents
INSPIRATION can come from the most unique source - like in the case of Penangite Lee Cheah Ni, the inspiraton for her fashion design came from her mother’s floor mat!
“I was inspired by the patchwork techniques on my mother’s floor mat, which usually requires quite a bit of sewing skill and attention to detail to produce,” she said.
Lee is one of the seven finalists who have been shortlisted for de Kenner's Destination Design 2007 competition.
“My creations will range from pastel to bright colours, and feature simple cuttings, with an emphasis on patchwork inspired by flower blossoms,” said the 22-year-old designer.
The other finalists are Aileen Chong, Mohamad Yusuf Salleh, Bremen Wong, Lydia Mattu, Natessa Zulkiflee, and Cheah Wei Jean.
Aspiring designers: The finalists are: (back row, from left) Mohamad Yusuf Salleh, Natessa Zulkiflee, Lydia Mattu, (2nd row, from left) Lee Cheah Ni, Cheah Wei Jean, Aileen Chong, and Bremen Wong (front).
The competition aims to provide designers with a platform to gain exposure in the highly competitive fashion industry.
De Kenner will be offering a one-year fashion designing contract to the top three winners, and an opportunity to have their own clothing label at the boutique.
“The Destination Design 2007 was created to help the Malaysian fashion community to better utilise resources and tap on de Kenner’s expertise in showcasing their creativities,” said de Kenner managing director Mohammed Usama Yunoos.
“While helping to nurture and provide the necessary resources to an aspiring designer, we also intend to give back to the community via our grand finale cum charity dinner. At the dinner the finalists' evening gown creations will be auctioned and part of the proceeds will go to the Taman Megah Handicapped and Disabled Children’s Home,” he said.
The Destination Design 2007 began two months ago, whereby participants were required to submit their CVs, two sketches based on any theme, and a brief on their design philosophy.
Of the over 100 entries received, seven were selected based on their originality, design philosophy, creativity and practicality.
Each finalist will now have to create five evening gowns or cocktail dresses, which will be showcased at the Destination Design 2007 Grand Finale on Aug 18.
In terms of the fabrics, raw materials, beads, accessories, and everything else required by the finalists for their creations, it will be sponsored by de Kenner.
“ All the finalists have shown a passion and flair for fashion. They don’t have to be a great seamstresses though, because they can get assistance from the de Kenner’s in-house team,” said Usama.
Mohamad Yusuf Salleh, an account executive by profession, had no formal training in fashion design but has been freelancing as a wedding designer since year 2000.
“I wanted to take this opportunity to show off my designs, as I believe I have the creativity and ability to turn these designs into real creations,” he said.
Natessa Zulkiflee, 24, from Kuala Lumpur, has always wanted to be a designer. However, she pursued a general education course in Los Angeles instead as her parents wanted her to do something more stable.
“But I was still passionate about fashion, so I came back to KL to study fashion design at the International Fashion Training Centre,” said the former LA Cultural Troupe dance
inspiration is based on batek lepas and combine the fabrics with chiffon to make the garments wearable and up to date!


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